Why Workflex?

Need-Oriented Experts
Need-Oriented Experts
Thanks to our special algorithms, we perform the most appropriate matches to meet the needs of institutions.
Preferred Job/Work Model
Preferred Job/Work Model
In the new world order, we offer the preferred working model for both parties with the advantages it provides.
Solution Partnerships
Solution Partnerships
We provide the consultancy and training support necessary for the parties to work together harmoniously, efficiently and overcome the difficulties of this model with our business partners and solution partners.

How the system works?

The field of expertise, skills and expectations sought and possessed are entered into the system by the parties at the registration stage.
When there are matches between institution and person that meet the needs and expectations, the system transmits them to the parties.
If two parties agree on the project after the evaluation and online interview, the project details will be determined.
A project agreement is created in the system, approved and work is started.
During the process, efficient process tracking is performed with systematic reminders according to the project agreement.
Payments are made as the outputs determined during the process are delivered.

How will it ease your life

The Blended Workforce Management
Why Now?

The blended workforce model is a “win-win” solution that allows companies to work with the experts they need, independent experts to provide regular workflows, and brings the two sides together on a value creation axis for needs. This working model takes into account both the long-term strategic needs of the institution and the short-term periodic workforce needs. It is carried out by blending staffed employees and those who provide services from outside on a project-by-project basis by these needs within the framework of a plan.
Speed and Efficiency

Speed and Efficiency

To have the opportunity to work effectively, quickly, and efficiently and communicate from anywhere, anytime


Awareness about the use of resources, increasing the phenomenon of global citizenship
Acquisition of Skills

Acquisition of Skills

Accessibility of talent at anywhere , increasing of flexible working models


The disappearance of dependence on offices, the destruction of prerequisites related to the “workplace


The entry of diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE) cases to the center of working life, diversification of career definition, increasing the importance of employee experience


Transformation of skilled human management into a competitive advantage, diversification of local and global pools